Our Services

Style Boards

Style Boards are a visual representation of your color schemes, styles and furniture inspiration all in one place. Style Boards can be made for anything! A whole house, one room, outdoor patio, landscaping, etc.

Style boards are a great way to start in the right direction from the beginning of your brainstorming. Once you have the vision we can help you fulfill it with our custom sourcing of furniture, accessories, window treatments and more!

Interior Design

We offer tailored, interior design solutions for any & all spaces. Whether you’re looking to upgrade an odd corner in your home or remodel and re-design your entire home, we’re here to help.

We believe that a home should be a true reflection of you and your family, and even small design changes can make a big difference!


Alexa Wuest

Born and raised in Arkansas (Go Hogs!), she found her passion for interior design working for a designer in high school. Who knew hanging window treatments would have such a lasting impact?!

She is well versed in not only creating beautiful designs herself but also in design management and construction relations. With ten years of commercial development experience, Alexa brings some serious know-how to the table.

Alexa has a son, two dogs, fourteen chickens and enjoys cooking wild game with her husband Ryder!

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